American Society of Employers - Susan Chance

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Making the Most out of Conferences

18 February 2025

Making the Most out of Conferences

Author: Susan Chance

Your employer sent you to a conference, or maybe you decided to attend a conference on your own. Either way, you have taken time out of your normal work schedule to go offsite to learn and improve yourself. Now what? It is easy to go back to the office and jump right back into the daily grind, but there are things you can do to make what you learned at a conference stick and incorporate them into your daily routine.

Federal Drug Testing Updates for 2025

7 January 2025

Federal Drug Testing Updates for 2025

Author: Susan Chance

Here we are at the beginning of a new year again. This is a good time to review all of your background and drug screening forms, policies, and procedures.

AI in Employment Decisions: Compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

12 November 2024

AI in Employment Decisions: Compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Author: Susan Chance

If you are using AI information in making employment decisions your activity could fall under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and therefore require compliance with the FCRA.


Understanding the Stricter Employment Screening Rules in California and Los Angeles County

1 October 2024

Understanding the Stricter Employment Screening Rules in California and Los Angeles County

Author: Susan Chance

The state of California can be a challenge for employers who want to conduct background checks for employment purposes. The state has restrictions on using credit checks for employment decisions which have very restrictive exceptions.

Marijuana Legalization Spurs Surge in Drug Test Tampering and Positive Results

20 August 2024

Marijuana Legalization Spurs Surge in Drug Test Tampering and Positive Results

Author: Susan Chance

The legalization of marijuana use, either for medical, recreational, or both, has led to an increase in positive marijuana tests as reported by Quest Diagnostics. In 2019 the percentage of positive tests was 3.1%. In 2023 the number rose to 4.5%. However, the number of positive tests is not the only thing that has gone up. The number of workers cheating on their drug tests has also risen.

Heat Waves, Parties, and Substance Use: Ensuring Safe and Sober Summer Workplaces

9 July 2024

Heat Waves, Parties, and Substance Use: Ensuring Safe and Sober Summer Workplaces

Author: Susan Chance

It’s summertime and parties, vacations, weekend get-a-ways, and public celebrations are increasing.  We are more likely to relax and let our guard down as we enjoy barbeques, birthday parties, or family get togethers. One thing we should not let our guard down on is drug and alcohol testing.

Summer Road Risks: Employer Liability for Employee Driving Safety

4 June 2024

Summer Road Risks: Employer Liability for Employee Driving Safety

Author: Susan Chance

Summer is almost here, and orange barrel mating season is well underway. The nice weather also brings more motorcycles, cars pulling boats, and large recreational vehicles on the roads. In other words, there are a lot more hazards on the roads.

Spring Clean Your Background Screening Process

30 April 2024

Spring Clean Your Background Screening Process

Author: Susan Chance

Spring has sprung and hopefully all the April showers will bring May flowers. This is a good time for companies to “spring clean” their documents, processes, and procedures, particularly those that are part of background checks.

The Value of Doodling

27 February 2024

The Value of Doodling

Author: Susan Chance

Last week I read a post on LinkedIn where the poster shared her need to be busy all the time. It caused me to recall how often my dad used to say, “Do something while you are resting.” That fostered a need in me to keep my hands busy all the time.

Changes to Marijuana Testing Laws

23 January 2024

Changes to Marijuana Testing Laws

Author: Susan Chance

As more states and cities make marijuana legal in some format, we can expect drug testing laws to change, and they are. It should not be a surprise that California has already put a new law in place as of January 1, 2024.

Strategies for Dealing with an Entitled Coworker

5 December 2023

Strategies for Dealing with an Entitled Coworker

Author: Susan Chance

Entitled is a word that we hear a lot these days. It is often thrown around casually to describe groups of people and individuals even when not necessarily a fair assessment. But have you ever had to work with people who are truly entitled? They could be a boss, co-worker, or perhaps a vendor or supplier.

Here Come the Holidays – Ready or Not

14 November 2023

Here Come the Holidays – Ready or Not

Author: Susan Chance

It seems like just a minute ago it was January. Now summer, with all of its holidays and vacations, are gone and Halloween is just a memory. We are heading into Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all of the other holidays that come between now and the end of the year.

To Test or Not to Test for Marijuana

24 October 2023

To Test or Not to Test for Marijuana

Author: Susan Chance

Now that marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in Michigan and 23 other states and all 50 states have legalized some form of use – from CBD oil only to medical marijuana to fully legalizing use – employers are wondering if they should continue to have applicants/employees submit to drug tests.

The Hidden Dangers of Free Online Background Check Services

3 October 2023

The Hidden Dangers of Free Online Background Check Services

Author: Susan Chance

In this day and age it is hard to believe, but there are still so many employers who either don’t run employment background checks on applicants/employees, or they use free online systems without considering the pitfalls of relying on these free sites.

Rediscovering the Value of In-Person Conferences

12 September 2023

Rediscovering the Value of In-Person Conferences

Author: Susan Chance

As I sit in a hotel room in Texas the day before the start of the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) annual conference, it made me pause to consider how much better this is than going virtual during the pandemic. Don’t get me wrong, there are benefits to learning virtually, and I can learn from both virtual and in-person classes, but there is something different about an in-person conference.

More Changes to Background Checks in California

22 August 2023

More Changes to Background Checks in California

Author: Susan Chance

California is once again making changes to how employers can use information obtained in criminal background checks. Last month, changes that had been proposed by the California Civil Rights Council were approved by the California Civil Rights Council and the Office of Administrative Law.

Managing Employee Substance Use: Drug Testing, Training, and Liability in a Changing Legal Landscape

1 August 2023

Managing Employee Substance Use: Drug Testing, Training, and Liability in a Changing Legal Landscape

Author: Susan Chance

Are your employees and managers using marijuana on the job? With more and more locations making marijuana use legal for medical and/or recreational use, it is quite possible. In fact, in one article by the Wall Street Journal, an employee admitted to not only smoking marijuana on the job and in front of his boss, but also to sharing it with his boss.

Be Aware of Credit Check Restrictions That Vary by Location

11 July 2023

Be Aware of Credit Check Restrictions That Vary by Location

Author: Susan Chance

Change is a constant, and that is certainly true in background screening laws. Some changes seem like common sense and are easy to apply, such as having a clear and concise disclosure form. Making sure that anyone giving permission for an employment background check understands what they are agreeing to is basic fairness, and unless an employer has some nefarious intent in mind for a background check, this should be an easy compliance item.

Know the FCRA Requirements for Background Checks

20 June 2023

Know the FCRA Requirements for Background Checks

Author: Susan Chance

Anyone running an employment background check through a third party, such as a background screening company such as ASE and/or automated verification systems is considered a user of consumer reports and therefore must follow the requirements of the FCRA.

Chicago Expands Ban-the-Box Law Requirements

30 May 2023

Chicago Expands Ban-the-Box Law Requirements

Author: Susan Chance

Ban-the-box might seem like old news, but these laws are constantly being added and/or updated. It is important for employers to keep up with the laws in all areas in which their employees work. The city of Chicago recently expanded its requirements on how employers may use criminal records in hiring decisions. 

Federal Agencies Issue Joint Statement on AI – Not an Excuse for Unlawful Discrimination

2 May 2023

Federal Agencies Issue Joint Statement on AI – Not an Excuse for Unlawful Discrimination

Author: Susan Chance

There is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence (AI) these days. Some AI programs are becoming so sophisticated that it can be difficult to tell if the person talking to you on screen is real or an AI created person.

Categories: EverythingPeople, AI
How to Reduce Brain Fog

7 March 2023

How to Reduce Brain Fog

Author: Susan Chance

Recently, I had conversations with several people about brain fog, and most of those people chalked it up to age. However, there are other causes for not being able to find your words, having trouble concentrating, or not remembering why you walked into the kitchen.

Categories: EverythingPeople
Fair Chance Hiring Legislation to be Aware Of

7 February 2023

Fair Chance Hiring Legislation to be Aware Of

Author: Susan Chance

Ban-the-box seems like old news by now as so many states, cities, and counties have enacted some sort of ban-the-box legislation. Most ban-the-box laws address asking about criminal history on job applications. However, some locations are taking it further with Fair Chance Hiring legislation. The Fair Chance Hiring laws address not only when, but how an employer can use criminal history in employment decisions and what obligations they have in making those decisions.
Changes to Know About in California Background Checking Law

10 January 2023

Changes to Know About in California Background Checking Law

Author: Susan Chance

California is once again looking at making changes to how employers can use information from background checks in employment decisions. The California Civil Rights Department’s Civil Right Council released their most recent draft of changes to their Fair Employment and Housing Ace (FEHA) this past December. This update addresses proposed changes to the use of criminal history for employment decisions.

Checklists for International Background Checks

13 December 2022

Checklists for International Background Checks

Author: Susan Chance

More and more employers are considering applicants from other countries to fill vacant positions. While international checks take a longer time to complete, employers can help themselves get through the process more efficiently by providing required information up front.



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