Employees Lack Basic Cybersecurity Training - American Society of Employers - Heather Nezich

Employees Lack Basic Cybersecurity Training

cybersecurityWith cyberattacks increasing dramatically after the pandemic, TalentLMS and Kenna Security teamed up to gauge employees’ awareness and knowledge of cybersecurity risks. While 59% of employees received cybersecurity training from their companies in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the survey uncovered that these initiatives have been insufficient.

The survey of 1,200 U.S. employees finds that employees are most knowledgeable in laptop security, while they are unaware of how to secure sensitive data and recognize harmful files. The report sheds light on the effectiveness of cybersecurity training, and examines employees’ awareness, habits, and knowledge related to staying safe in cyberspace.

Key findings:

  • 59% of employees were trained on cybersecurity as a response to the work-from-home shift caused by COVID-19
  • Having a cybersecurity training program in place isn’t enough to ensure cyber safety: 61% of employees who have received cybersecurity training failed a basic test
  • Surprisingly, the highest fail rates were reported in the following two industries: Information services and data (83% of employees failed) and Software (73% of employees failed)
  • 74% of respondents who answered all seven test questions incorrectly said they feel safe from cybersecurity threats
  • 33% of employees store their passwords in their browsers, even though that puts network security at risk
  • Remote employees collectively feel less safe from threats (63%), than office employees (51%)

While the survey results show that training has a positive impact on some aspects of employees’ cybersecurity habits, such as protecting their computers and correct password management, these effects are not consistent across all areas. This brings to light some of the “blind spots” of cybersecurity training programs, which, if left unaddressed, create vulnerabilities that expose employees and their companies to cyber risks and attacks.

"Simply offering a cybersecurity training program does not guarantee a skilled or educated staff. Such programs are usually theoretical, full of technical terms, and, well, boring. Cybersecurity training should be fun, hands-on, and use real-life examples. And this is because staying safe and protected in cyberspace is a hands-on, practical skill, stated Victor Kritakis, Chief Information Security Officer, TalentLMS”

When asked what would make cybersecurity training more engaging, 52% of employees said they would like it to be presented in a simpler and less technical way, while 50% would like it to be more fun and gamified.

Additional ASE Resources

Cybersecurity Basics Course – ASE’s training course, Cybersecurity Basics, is a course geared towards non-IT employees.  This course covers data security/cyber security and the impact it has on business.  Fundamentals include the definition of cyber security, email encryption, password security, multi-factor authentication, phishing, and Wi-Fi security. Ensure your employees know the basics and can identify threats.  The next course will be held August 3, 2021 online from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.  Register here.


Source: TalentLMS

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