Manufacturing Day is October 6, 2023 - American Society of Employers - Linda Olejniczak

Manufacturing Day is October 6, 2023

What is manufacturing day? It is a national day where high school students can learn about modern-day manufacturing, career options, and more. Students can visit a local facility and envision their future careers. They can connect current classroom learning to on-the-job skills. Careers in manufacturing today are much different than years ago. Today, the manufacturing industry utilizes technology to create and build the latest and greatest products. 

Launched annually on the first Friday in October with events that continue throughout the month, Manufacturing Day helps show the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers, and community leaders.

Manufacturing Day addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t. By working together during and after Manufacturing Day, manufacturers will begin to address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry.

If you feel your not prepared to participate this year, start planning for next year.  In the meantime, connect with your local high schools and create “Lunch and Learn” or “Open House” programs and welcome students and their families to get a glimpse into manufacturing.  Connect with your local Adult Education and develop an Introduction to a Career in Manufacturing.  There are many ways to do community outreach and create a pipeline of future employees.

Helpful Resources

Grand Traverse Area Manufacturing Council

Oakland County

Macomb County

National Manufacturing Day

SEMCA Michigan Works!

Are you participating this year and opening your doors to the public this fall? Manufacturing careers are sleek, innovative, high-tech, and full of great benefits — but not everyone knows it.   If you participate, we encourage you to post photos of your event in the ASE Member Community.

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