Do the People Around You Bring You Joy? - American Society of Employers - Mary E. Corrado

Do the People Around You Bring You Joy?

Have you heard about the Marie Kondo method of clearing items from your home that do not bring joy to your life?  My closet has never been so clean! I just recently moved into a new home and have been organizing closets, pantries, and other parts of the house, utilizing the Marie Kondo method. I am an organized person by nature, so it comes naturally for me.  After reading an article recently on toxic people, I began to think about applying this method in other facets of life.

While it’s easy to get rid of items in your home that no longer bring you joy, it’s a much more complex issue when it comes to people.  But we’ve all experienced toxic people in our lives that drain us mentally, and maybe it’s time to let them go too.

I recently read an article on that describes “10 toxic people that you should avoid like the plague.”  These are the types of people that are likely not bringing joy to your life, and in fact, may be draining you mentally or physically:

1.      The Gossip – Everyone gossips from time to time, but it is very mentally exhausting to constantly listen to someone speaking negatively about others.  I’d rather talk about positive things and the great things other people are doing.

2.      The Temperamental – These are the people that are constantly having emotional meltdowns and tend to always push the blame of their woes onto other people.  These people rely on the sympathy of those around them to make them feel better, while they drain the emotions of the other person.

3.      The Victim – I recently heard a social worker use the term “a victim that really isn’t a victim.”  I didn’t realize what they meant at first, but when I read this article it made sense to me.  There are some people that are always the victim.  But often, it’s their choices or how they choose to react to a situation that makes them the “victim.”

4.      The Self-Absorbed – Have you ever spent time with a person that it’s impossible to get a word in edge wise?  No matter how you try to participate in the conversation, it goes back to them?  That is a self-absorbed person, and it can be exhausting to listen to them constantly talking about themselves, but not listening to anything you have to say.

5.      The Envious – I’ve personally experienced this with several relationships throughout my life.  These are the people that are never happy for you when something good happens.  Instead, they turn it into a sorrow story about themselves.  A true friend will always delight in your success and celebrate it with you.

6.      The Manipulator – Manipulators can be hard to identify, because they act as if they are your friend.  They know what brings you joy, but they use this information as part of a hidden agenda.  These people always want something from you but never give anything in return.  If you are in a relationship with someone where you are constantly the giver, you might be dealing with a manipulator.

7.      The Dementor – This type of person inflicts their negativity onto everyone they come across. The glass is always half empty.  Just like in the workplace, negativity is contagious.  Try to surround yourself with positive people.

8.      The Twisted – Some people simply derive joy from making other people miserable.  The “twisted” person is either out to get something from you or in it just to hurt you.

9.      The Judgmental – Those that are judgmental don’t appreciate the many differences among people.  Instead, they look down on others who are not like themselves.  They put down others without a second thought.

10.   The Arrogant – This person is always trying to one-up you and does not listen to input from others.  They tend to believe they are always the smartest person in the room.  A University of Akron study found that arrogance is correlated with workplace issues.  They tend to be more disagreeable, have more cognitive problems, and tend to be low performers.


Have you had any experiences with any of the toxic people described above?  How did you handle it?  Email me at [email protected]. I’d also love to hear from any of you that have tried the Marie Kondo method in your home!

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