Unleashing the Power of "Sisu": The Finnish Way to Happiness and Resilience - American Society of Employers - Mary E. Corrado

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Unleashing the Power of "Sisu": The Finnish Way to Happiness and Resilience

For over 500 years, Finland has embraced a concept known as "sisu," a way of living that has become deeply embedded in its culture. Sisu encompasses the essence of determination and fortitude while facing adversity and seemingly insurmountable challenges with unwavering grit and courage.

With Finland topping the list as the world's happiest country for six consecutive years, it's hard not to wonder if sisu plays a significant role in their well-being and ability to maintain a positive and resilient mindset.

E. Elisabet Lahti, PhD, a psychology expert and pioneering researcher in “sisu” has lived in Finland her whole life and believes it plays a significant role in their happiness and well-being.

She gives the following advice in a recent article on cnbc.com:

  1. Find a Purpose Beyond Yourself: Having a purpose beyond ourselves enables us to endure and overcome more challenges. To truly understand sisu, Lahti embarked on a 1,500-mile running expedition across New Zealand. During moments of exhaustion or despair, she turned to that larger purpose, which served as a source of strength, propelling her forward. When you encounter new challenges or need to draw on your inner strength, find a greater purpose to connect with. It could be your loved ones, a source of inspiration, or any cause that resonates with you.
  2. Build Resilience Through Training: Studies show that our bodies possess hidden reserves that we naturally tap into during times of need. The more we challenge ourselves, the more we develop habits that enhance our resilience. In Lahti’s case, focusing on controlled breathing helped calm her nervous system and improve her running. Starting as a beginner, she eventually built the stamina to cover 10 to 15 miles daily. Training not only strengthens the body but also nurtures the spirit of sisu within us.
  3. Embrace Self-Compassion and Connect with Nature: Balance is the key to success. While pushing yourself is essential, it's equally vital to be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Throughout Lahti’s training period, she encountered an injury after running 30 miles a day for 12 consecutive days. Instead of quitting, she allowed her body to heal and found an alternative solution by incorporating cycling into the 1,500-mile trek. This decision not only helped her reach the 1,500-mile goal but also provided a way to savor the beauty of the surrounding landscape during her expedition.

Walking and hiking in nature is a large part of Finish culture. It provides for a sense of inner calm and sense of happiness that they can draw upon during hard times. Discovering a purpose beyond yourself, building resilience through training, and balancing toughness with self-compassion will empower you to embrace sisu's spirit. As Finland has shown us, this approach can lead to a happier and more resilient life. So, why not embark on your journey of sisu today?

How do you incorporate aspects of sisu in your life? Email me at [email protected].


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