The Power of Agreeableness - American Society of Employers - Mary E. Corrado

Of Interest…

The Power of Agreeableness

According to a recent study, employees who exhibit high levels of agreeableness are gaining more appreciation from their colleagues and managers. Shockingly, in past studies, agreeableness did not affect teamwork or organizational success in the workplace, but today, it does.

The study, conducted by the University of London, involved a decade-long examination of over 3,500 individuals working on group tasks. Titled "Kill Chaos with Kindness," the research focused on the “Big Five” personality traits:

  1. Neuroticism
  2. Extraversion
  3. Openness
  4. Conscientiousness
  5. Agreeableness

Interestingly, while the first four traits consistently demonstrated their impact on team performance, agreeableness had previously shown a "non-significant and highly variable relationship with team performance."

The researchers employed a computer model to predict the outcomes of these personality traits, and their findings revealed that "agreeableness may be crucial in facilitating teamwork and enhancing organizational performance in this evolving work landscape."

Randall Peterson, one of the study's co-authors and a professor of organizational behavior at the London School of Business, noted that earlier research had often portrayed agreeableness as "mostly irrelevant" when it came to task completion. This perception might have emerged because workplaces had traditionally placed a greater emphasis on individual achievements, causing individuals with a more affable nature to go unnoticed.

Based on study results, in a head-to-head competition between a highly competitive individual and a cooperative one, the competitive person typically emerges victorious. However, when two cooperative individuals team up, they consistently outperform their competitive counterparts.

Managers are increasingly recognizing the significance of cooperation and agreeableness in the modern workplace. "People are endorsing cooperation and agreeableness much more than they did pre-pandemic," noted Peterson. The pandemic experience highlighted the value of individuals who maintain an even-tempered and cooperative approach rather than those who seek to shine as stars within the organization. It’s all about teamwork.

The world we now live in is sending a clear message: the era of the star system in the workplace may no longer be the most effective approach. Instead, fostering an environment that encourages cooperation and values agreeableness is becoming increasingly vital for organizational success. So, as we navigate the evolving landscape of work, let's not underestimate the power of agreeableness in creating a more harmonious and productive workplace.

Agreeableness and cooperativeness are as important in managers and leaders as it is in employees. The most successful organizations work together as teams.  How do you promote agreeableness and teamwork in your organization? Email me at [email protected].


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